Chrono Cross Casino Prizes

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Chrono Cross Casino Prizes Promo
Successfully complete the game, then load the saved game. This will give you a 'New Game+' feature. This game allows access to your old level, elements, and summons.
Hints- Infinite money, Dragoon's Glory's, Viper's LvL 7 Tech Skill
After Serge is reborn, visit Termina (Home World) with Viper in your party. Talk to the barmaid, go into the back room, and examine the flag on the back wall. Viper will talk briefly about the flag and then take his LvL 7 Tech Skill, 'FlagBearer' and a Dragoon's Glory. Exit the room and re-enter. Examine the back wall with Viper still in your party. Even though there is no flag, Viper will say the same thing that he said before and will take another 'FlagBearer' and Dragoon's Glory. Repeat this as many times as needed. Each Dragoon's Glory can be sold for 4,000 gold. The stats for Dragoons's Glory is Atk. +3, Hit% +3%, Mgc. +2. You can also disassemble them for 1 Denadorite, 2 Scale, 2 Fur, and 2 Fang.
Always win at rouletteThe following trick allows you to win the roulette game every time in the casino on the Zelbess. When the pointer begins to spin and the red tip is in between the west and the south points of the roulette wheel, pause the game. Then, repeatedly press Circle and resume the game. It will land on north every time, giving you double the money you wagered.
Feed all 100 dragonsNote: A controller with a turbo feature is needed for this trick. When you meet the man who feeds dragons in a barn, you can earn prizes depending on how many dragons you feed for him. To feed all 100, set the turbo feature on X and use the D-pad to move back and forth.
Feel elementsUse a Feel element and then use an element that is opposite of the color of the Feel element to inflict more damage to an opponent. For example, use Feel Yellow and then use a Green Element.
SummonThe field effect in the upper right corner has to be all one color to use a summon. For example, to cast a Blue Summon like Frog, the field effect has to be solid blue.
Get MojoIn the 'Home World', get the shark tooth from the fisherman. Then in 'Present World', show the shark tooth to the scarecrow (Mojo) and he will join your party.
Get GuileIn Termina, talk to the statue polishing man, then go to Korcha (boat man). Talk to him and he will tell you to get a person to help you to get to Viper Manor. Go to the bar and Guile will be the man next to the locked door. Ask him, or you can get Pierre or Nikki.
Get KidAfter you talk to Lenna, go to Cape Howl. When you are leaving, Karsh will walk up to you and Kid will appear.
Get Glenn and MachaSay 'No' to save Kid when she is poisoned and get Glenn and Macha (Korcha mother). Glenn and Serge have an attack together called 'X strike'.
Get LennaSay 'No' after Cape Howl when Kid asks to join you. Go back and ask.
Give Bellflower to GlennGo to the moutntain after Cape Howl and walk around where there is a brown monster. Avoid it and walk to the purple flowers. Get them, and when you get to Termina, go to where Glenn's brother and father are buried. He will be there with General Viper's daughter. He will walk up and ask you to give them for free.
Hydra Humour for KidPress Start on the world map and change to 'Home World' from Opassa Beach. Go to Hydra Swamp (dwarves place) to find a Hydra Humour.

Infinite/Max Stars | 80071C74 0063 80071C76 0063 |
Save Anywhere | D00E21F8 0001 800E57DC 0001 |
Have All Key Items | 50000302 0000 800712D8 FFFF 800712DE 701F |
Easy Win Dragon Feed (Manor Stable) | D00E5BEA 0001 800E5BEA 000A D00E5BEA 000b 800E5BEA 0014 D00E5BEA 0015 800E5BEA 001E D00E5BEA 001F 800E5BEA 0028 D00E5BEA 0029 800E5BEA 0064 |

Chrono Cross Casino Prizes List
Infinite/Max Stars | 800789BC 0063 800789BE 0063 |
Main Character Codes | |
Max HP | 80075926 03E7 |
Infinite HP | 800759C8 03E7 |
Max Stats (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) | 50000302 0000 80075928 FFFF |
Have All Element Slots Activated | 50003002 0000 30075951 0000 |
Weapon Modifier | 80075930 00?? |
Armor Modifier | 80075932 00?? |